writing style


because i have very little to no readership, i write in the way i like – that is to say, in the only possible way. 

choice of language

i write poor english. nevertheless, i choose to organize some of my notes / ideas in this language, because it allows no rhetorics, a trap i easily fall into when i use my native language, mandarin chinese. 

therefore, notes written in english will be more condensed, more database-like, more definite, more technical. in contrast, when i feel like sharing a personal use case / a strong opinion / a vague idea / a flourish of puns, i will probably write in 中文.

i prefer not to translate these pages, so that they remain in context.

see also: simplistic english for more info on how i deliberately abuse this language.

choice of structure

the notes in this garden are grown “organically”.

in less fancy words, i:

although links are a big feature (and perhaps the whole purpose) of this garden, i prefer to use them moderately. 

i am also much inspired by Devine Lu Linvega's xxiivv wiki, which is written in a dictionary format, with lexicons and a glossary. 

see also: handcrafted links

choice of topics

this site is an example of digital gardening with trilium, so expect to see more on that. 

more generally, this will contain a sort of meta wiki

i'm still figuring out what to do with this space.

i'd like to grow a distinctive native flora, one that crystallizes from very personal thinking. 

i don't want another public wiki that copies over existing knowledge. why not just link to wikipedia and leave only personal remarks?

i grow tired of universal taxonomy. why categorize things like everyone else?

some practices: